Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My MUST haves for Summer

Summers coming! I think it's the BEST season of the whole year. Not only because schools out but also because you get to hang with friends, go on vacation and lay by the pool! I think your wardrobe should be bright, fun and fabulous! Thought I'd show you some of my "must haves!"

Everyone must have at least 1 or 2... or 6-7 sundresses! It should be comfy and it shows how girly you are!

Yellow is my favorite color for Summer. This dress is perfect for a casual day. I love it!

Bright nail polish shouts summer. I usually go with Hott Pink or a french look is also nice!

This is a MUST have for sure, a yellow hobo bag or purse is perfect for any occasion!

Last but not least, Flip flops and sandals pulls your outfit together with the slightest of ease!

Let this Summer be best it can be... make lots of memories and enjoy! :)


  1. I agree! I've been on the hunt for some new Spring/Summer clothes. I picked up a shirt today but still looking for more. I MUST have a yellow purse.....so I can be just like you ;o). If you and Tay go to Plato’s closet you should take some pics of your finds.

    Love you,

  2. Hi Tori! Love love love summertime dresses and seeing your post reminds me I need to go out with girls and spend some $$!!! lol

  3. Here from NNF! What a fun place you have created! I would love to have you over to Crazy Daisy sometime.


    Happy Day,
    Jasey @ Crazy Daisy

  4. I'm your newest follower from New Friend Friday at The Girl Creative. I love you blog. Can't wait to read more.


  5. Hey! cute blog! I've been homeschooled all my life too except for a year, but im not going to be this coming year.
