Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ten Things about ME!

Hi! My name is Tori, I am 16 years old! Here is 10 facts you may want to know about me:

1. I live in the South, Texas to be exact.
2. I have been homeschooled all my life.
3. I love sports. I play volleyball year around, but that is still not enough....I love it!!
4. I am a Christian!! :)
5. I love to use my creativity and I hope to share some of my things on this blog.
6. I love family! We are all very close.
7. I love life!!
8. I love shopping, scrapbooking, baking, knitting, sewing, fashion, people, and decorating.
9. I can't wait to have children..Okay... I can wait....but I love kids!
10. Last but not least, the reason I started this blog is because my mom/teacher thinks I need more creative writing! :)


  1. Hi Tori,

    Sorry I gave you the wrong address to my blog yesterday. I haven't used it in a long time and cannot gain access to it myself. Here's the new one and my blog about the birthday surprise.
    I think you mom is right, you are creative and you should share it with the world.

  2. So nice to meet you. I think your mom is a wise woman. I homeschool all three of my children. I have a son who is a junior, a daughter who is a freshman, and another daughter who is in first grade. My fifteen year old daughter has just started a blog herself about her faith. Go check it out if you are interested. Go to She is a Christian homeschooler who loves volleyball just like you. She also cooks with me, is a great handy "woman" and has surrendered to the ministry. I will have to tell her about you. God bless you and good luck with your school.

  3. Hello Tori! I love your blog; I am also a 16 year old blogger! I too am a Christian, have been homeschooled all my life, am creative, love kids, and love life and my family! My blog address is

    P.S.I found you from Kelly's Korner!
